Common Book & Convocation Fall 2020

At the launch of each academic year, the Clarkson community is invited to engage in “Common Conversations”, shared explorations of a theme or topic, traditionally inspired by the reading of a common book recommended by the Clarkson Common Book Project Committee. Meaningful intellectual discussions, in educator-led groups during orientation weekend, are bolstered by a lecture given at Convocation, often by the book’s author. This is made possible by the Van Sickle Endowed Lectureship, the purpose of which is “to introduce distinguished speakers and highly acclaimed performers whose appearances may broaden the new student’s educational horizons.” 

This year, the Common Book Committee has been inspired to diversify. With a focus on the theme What’s Your Story?, the Committee has selected a combination of articles and short videos that explore storytelling and narrative identity to serve as the basis for discussions about why stories matter, whose stories matter, who is telling stories, and the variety of ways stories are expressed. Students are invited to reflect on their own stories, asked to be open to others’, and encouraged to hone their self-presentation storytelling skills, especially as they begin their journey at Clarkson. The Committee intends that these themes of storytelling and identity will continue to be presented during the academic year through a series of campus Convocations which celebrate the diverse cultures and stories of others.

The Committee is excited to announce that in conjunction with this theme, the Van Sickle Endowed Lecture at Convocation this fall will be a performance by Step Afrika!, the world’s first professional company dedicated to the tradition of stepping—a polyrhythmic, percussive dance form that uses the body as an instrument. With stepping at its foundation, as practiced by historically African American fraternities and sororities, the Company integrates song, storytelling, humor, and audience participation in each performance. Step Afrika!’s mission is to educate, motivate, and inspire young people through arts education programs that emphasize their core values of teamwork, commitment, and discipline. 

A call for orientation discussion leaders will go out to educators later this spring.

The articles and videos are all freely available online

Save the Dates

  • Friday, 8/28, 6-7:30 p.m. in Cheel Arena: Convocation with Van Sickle Endowed Lecturer, Step Afrika!
  • Saturday, 8/29, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Common Conversations at Orientation

The Clarkson University Convocation was developed in 1991 to integrate a speakers’ and performing artists’ component into the first-year student experience.

The Van Sickle Endowed Lectureship
The Kenneth J. and Irla Van Sickle Endowed Lectureship was established in 1992 through generous bequests from the estates of Kenneth and Irla Van Sickle of Shortsville, N.Y. The Van Sickles shared interests in photography, gardening, nature and stamp collecting. During their long and active lives, the Van Sickles were dedicated to hard work, placing great value on education, particularly higher education.

Tamera Rizk
Assistant Dean of Students

Box 87358 Clarkson Avenue
Potsdam, NY 13699315-268-6680

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