Zoom to replace Adobe Connect

IMPORTANT update: Clarkson OIT announces that beginning Spring 2020, the University will choose Zoom as the official provider of full service web conferencing and online meeting services. The decision comes after a lengthy period of provisioning and supporting both Zoom and Adobe Connect for 200+ users at the institution. During this time period, Zoom has proven to be the clear leader of online meetings for reliability and functionality. 

As our user community continues to grow and the needs for our online meeting spaces grows with it, the true sustainable choice is to align with a single provider resulting in streamlined support and improved purchasing power. 

What this means?

In March 2020, individuals with Adobe Connect Meeting Host Accounts will begin receiving notification that their Zoom account is ready for activation.

  • Upon receipt of notification, account holders should begin using Zoom in place of Adobe Connect. Included will be instructions on getting started with Zoom. Instructors teaching courses in the Spring Semester, Winter Qtr or Spring Qtr 2020 term may complete the term with Adobe Connect if they wish to do so.
  • Recordings in Adobe Connect that are to be retained/used after May 15, 2020, must be saved for local storage. Instructions.
  • Additional training and support is available. Group or one-on-one sessions to be scheduled as needed.
  • All Adobe Connect accounts will transition to Zoom no later than May 15, 2020.

There is no change in the account licence fee. All remaining time on the Adobe Connect account will transfer to the new Zoom account, and billing to the department will resume annually.

For questions, contact Help Desk at helpdesk@clarkson.edu.

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