New Data Site for Internal Review of Key Metrics

In a communication to the faculty and staff this past August, I described the mounting pressures on higher education.  To be fully transparent, it is timely to provide detailed background information on just how Clarkson is moving through these uncertain times.  While we are not immune to these challenges, all of our data indicate stability and a positive outlook.

In a new intranet Web site, we provide the trendlines for key metrics that influence our operations.  The data presented will be annually updated and available to any campus employee, although we ask that you treat it as “Clarkson Confidential” – available only on our Intranet and not to be sent forward to external entities.  The displays (charts/graphs) depict a decade-long set of data points and cover the following information:

·       Historical Endowment Analysis

·       Historical Breakdown of Revenues

·       Historical Breakdown of Expenses

·       Historical Annual Giving

·       Historical Debt Analysis

·       Historical Net Tuition Revenue

·       Historical Capital Expenditures

·       Historical Enrollment

·       Historical Research Dollars Received

The various charts for these data points can be found on the Institutional Data Digest web page located at (be sure to click on the “Finance” tab).

CFO Robert Cree is available to provide explanations and answer questions. Where possible, the data has been extended out to the end of this financial year (June 30) and henceforth, annual revisions will be provided in October each year. On the one hand, some of the information provides our “competition” with deeper insights to our strategies, but on the other hand, virtually all of the data is obtainable in one way or another over time.  By providing the information to all Clarkson employees, you will be able to make your own assessments of our progress over the years and our current position.  While we are not disclosing our current admission data in this exercise, it can be reported that our year over year performance is substantially ahead of last year for undergraduate admissions and our graduate enrollment efforts are better aligned to targets than in the preceding couple of years.

Additionally, it should be of interest that Clarkson’s Office of Institutional Planning, Assessment and Effectiveness currently puts together an annual compilation of various key data points known as the Clarkson University Fact Book.  This information can also be found on the Clarkson website.

One last item that should not go unnoticed at this moment – particularly for those Clarkson Community members who live and work in the North Country – is the progress for downtown Potsdam. This past Friday, after literally years of negotiations, Clarkson has signed a 65-year ground lease for the original Snell Hall to be operated by the Vecino Group.  This will initiate a $25 million+ renovation project that will bring life back to the Village of Potsdam and provide  much needed quality housing for Health Science graduate students in particular. With this agreement, it is possible to see a future whereby all of Clarkson’s village campus is occupied and returned to productive use to support further job creation.  Revitalization of the Village of Potsdam is a significant step that helps Clarkson achieve our financial stability.

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