How do I access Library resources remotely?

How do I access library resources remotely? Can I use a VPN? 

We don’t generally recommend using the VPN with regard to accessing library resources; it does not always seem to reliably recognize you as being “on campus” and sometimes will still require you to authenticate anyway.

Why don’t I have access? I know we have this journal.

What we have found that access issues are often the result of going directly to the publisher website or via Google Scholar. If you’re off campus, the publisher won’t know you’re affiliated with Clarkson.

So how do I authenticate? 

We recommend going through the library’s website to make sure you’re being properly authenticated.  We generally recommend doing the off-campus login first, before you search – then it should remember you for the duration of your session. 

How do I find articles and journals? 

Then, you can search for a specific article or book by title from the home-page search box – we suggest putting the title in “” marks. (ex: “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” ) If you want to see if we have a specific journal or access a specific journal, try a journal search:

If you do this through the library, rather than going directly to the publisher website, it will know you are affiliated with Clarkson. 

What if I really want to use Google Scholar? 

If you want to use Google Scholar, we would recommend setting up your library links to link to Clarkson: 

Once you do that, it will add a Find It at Clarkson button that will direct you through the library: 

I still have questions….

No problem! Email us at and we will be happy to help. 

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