Online Check-in is Now Open!

Online Check-in is now open and available through myCU. During check-in, students are asked to confirm or correct their personal information to ensure we have accurate information in our system. Check-in is required no later than Thursday, April 2nd. (Check-in Regulations)

If you do not intend to enroll this term, please contact your SAS Representative at  in order to avoid being charged for the term. 

Check-in Information: View “Complete Online Check-in” for the check-in video tutorial, or visit our webpage for additional information.

Please note, if you change your telephone and/or address during check-in, it can take up to two weeks before the changes show up in myCU. If you do not know your local address and/or telephone number, and you do not expect to have this information by the deadline, please contact your SAS Rep for assistance.

To Do List – is yours complete? Log into myCU to see if you have any outstanding Tasks or Holds. These need to be completed as part of your check-in as well. 

If you are having difficulty with navigation or need other assistance, please contact your SAS Representative for assistance, at

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