Subject: Climate Stories: NY Olympic Region, Winter Ecology, and new external website

Visit our new external North Country Climate Stories website

Last week’s climate story was Mike Pratt, CEO of New York’s Olympic Regional Development Authority. Mike talked to ISE intern Nick LaScala about how ORDA and the larger winter recreation economy is adapting to our changing climate. 

This week our climate story is Dr. Tom Langen, Dean of Arts & Sciences. Tom spoke with Nick in the new ERC podcast room about winter ecoloagy and how our North Country wildlife are (or are not) adapting to our now unpredictable winters. 

Our hope through this project is to collect and share content that explores the reality of climate change here and now. Rather than talking about global average temperature changes, which can seem abstract and irrelevant, we are more interested in how climate change has affected people’s lives who live here in the North Country. We can see everything changing in front of us. What does it mean for us as a community. If you have a climate story you’d like to share, please reach out to Alex French at or Nick LaScala at

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