Study Abroad for Fall 2020

Dear Clarkson Community: 

While the University continues to monitor local, state, federal, and worldwide health and safety information, a review committee recently met to discuss student participation in Fall Semester international programs. It has been determined that the University will suspend Fall 2020 study abroad programs. It is with great regret that these opportunities are suspended; however, we want all participants to have a meaningful and enriching global experience. With the current domestic and global situation limiting many options, it is in the best interest and safety of everyone to pause participation until things become more certain. It is important to note that this suspension does not apply to students coming to Clarkson University to enroll in a full degree program. 

The suspension of the program impacts inbound and outbound exchange students. Both Clarkson and our international partners want to ensure that student participants receive the in-depth cultural and educational experience abroad that coincides with programmatic expectations. 

  • All students scheduled to participate in a program abroad (Fall 2020) have been contacted and provided deferment and/or other options if interested. 
  • Students enrolled in the Reh School of Business who anticipated fulfilling their international graduation requirement are currently working with advisors on alternatives. 
  • Please note that this suspension only impacts study abroad programs. 

For students participating in winter and spring programs we remain hopeful that these programs will move ahead as scheduled. A final determination will be made during the Fall Semester. 

The University will continue to monitor the global health situation and will continue to notify students, faculty, staff, and international partners. Global experiences are among the most impactful student opportunities. These decisions are not made without substantial review. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or concerns.  

The International Center

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