Prof. Silvana Andreescu Appointed Department Chair of Chemistry and Biomolecular Science

As Interim Dean of Arts & Sciences, I am pleased to share the good news that Professor and Egon Matijević Endowed Chair of Chemistry &  Biomolecular Science Silvana Andreescu has agreed to be appointed Department Chair of CBS, effective July 1.  As you may know, the current Department Chair, Prof. Devon Shipp, is assuming the Directorship of CAMP. I am confident that Prof. Andreescu will be an outstanding department chair, and Prof. Shipp an outstanding CAMP director.

In addition, Prof. Andreescu will assume a new position as Associate Dean of Research for the School of Arts & Sciences. In this position, she will apply her substantial experience in research and research administration toward activities such as:

·         Workshops or roundtables for early-career faculty and graduate students on strategies for research funding.

·         Individualized mentoring and training of faculty on lab management, recruiting and supervising students, publishing impactful papers etc.

·         Identifying research instrumentation needs and organizing collective efforts for acquisition (e.g. MRI proposals).

I am interested in hearing your suggestions about how the Associate Dean and the Dean’s office can help students, faculty, and staff in their research and scholarship.

I am sure you will join me in thanking Silvana and Devon for their service to the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Science and to the university. 

Tom Langen

Interim Dean, School of Arts & Sciences
Professor, Depts. of Biology, Psychology

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