Monday Motivator from Provost Hannigan

Today’s Message comes from Elisabeth Cain


Regardless of how many scientists have told us that it was coming, we didn’t prepare for it.  It’s hard to think about something so scary, so unimaginable, so open-ended.  But here it is. A pandemic of global proportions and we are trying as best as we can to learn how to mitigate its impact and its effects on a personal, social and economic level.  My heart goes out to everyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one, a job, a business. The impact is staggering. 

But we can choose to view the tear in our current social and economic fabric caused by the virus as a window that opened, a window to see new opportunities and to course-correct.  That tear would never have appeared because we would never have put ourselves through such hardship voluntarily for a lesson.  We are given a glimpse of what is possible. The waters are clearing up in Venice canals.  The Himalayas are visible again from more than 125 mi away.  Air pollution in China has cleared, for a little while anyway.  People reach out to family and friends in an effort to stay connected and out of true concern for others.  Fences are mended, friendships renewed, families share more time together and we collectively step up to soften the blow for those who are less fortunate than we are.   I hope our children remember these images and lessons.  I hope that when it’s their turn, they will remember that change is possible because they will have seen it themselves.  Go Greta Thunberg!

Going back to normal?  I think I look forward to a new normal.  They say a habit takes about 66 days to form.  It’s been 52 days since St. Lawrence County declared a state of emergency and our school closed.  Since then we have been changing the way we live, communicate, work and perhaps the way we think.  May 15 when we may open up again will be 60 days.  I sincerely hope we will take what was good and change what we got wrong. From urban planning to banning cruise ships in Venice, to online platforms for meetings that need not be in person, to slowing down the hamster wheel and to anything else you can think of.   In the meantime, do as Chris Campbell suggested in last Monday’s Motivator.  She’s got it right!  

Stay safe and healthy.
Elisabeth Cain
Business Development Manager
Center for Advanced Materials Processing

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