Steven Wojtkiewicz Receives Promotion to Professor at Clarkson University

Clarkson University President Tony Collins has announced that Steven Wojtkiewicz has been promoted from associate professor to professor of civil and environmental engineering in the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering. Promotion to professor is considered to be virtually the highest honor that a university can bestow upon its faculty.

Steven Wojkiewicz

Professor Wojtkiewicz’s research interests are focused in computational and data-enabled science and engineering, specifically the uncertainty quantification, modeling, control, identification, and real-time hybrid simulation of civil infrastructure dynamical systems.

His long-term research goal is to enhance the predictive power of computational models of engineered systems — particularly for structural components in civil infrastructure, i.e., buildings, bridges, and roads — to enable the ubiquitous use of computational models in engineering decision-making.

Professor Wojtkiewicz has been awarded external research funding from the National Science Foundation (including two current projects), the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and technical papers. He has made presentations at numerous national and international conferences over the past two decades. He has also organized and co-organized international conferences, workshops, and symposia, including co-chairing the inaugural 2008 ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference. He is a senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of both the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. He currently serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Engineering Mechanics and the Journal of Aerospace Engineering, and has served as the chair of the ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute’s Technical Committee on Probabilistic Methods.

His awards include multiple teaching excellence awards in the Coulter School of Engineering; the ASCE Collingwood Prize; co-author of the Editor’s Choice journal papers in both the May and September 2018 issues of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics; the University of Minnesota Center for Transportation Studies Faculty Scholar Award; the Minnesota Young Engineer of the Year, Minnesota Federation of Engineering, Science, and Technology Societies; the Young Engineer of the Year, ASCE Minnesota Section; and the Sandia Excellence Award.

Prof. Wojtkiewicz also currently serves as an elected member and the secretary of the Clarkson Faculty Senate and is the faculty advisor of the Clarkson ASCE student chapter. Before coming to Clarkson, Prof. Wojtkiewicz held academic appointments at both the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities and the University of Southern California. He received his bachelor of science, master of science, and doctor of philosophy degrees in aeronautical and astronautical engineering, all from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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