Call for Abstracts – Montréal ECS Student Chapter Virtual Symposium

Dear All,

Clarkson University Electrochemistry Student Chapter (CU-ECS) would highly encourage you all to submit abstracts for the Montréal ECS Student Chapter virtual symposium which will take place on June 19th, 2020 at 10 AM (EDT) virtually via Zoom.

Montréal ECS Student Chapter is accepting abstracts for up to 4 student presentations (10 minutes each). You may also indicate whether or not you are interested in participating in a virtual poster session. This virtual poster session will involve forming breakout rooms where attendees will join for a more personal discussion about your work.

The abstracts are to be sent to following the attached template no later than June 5th, 2020

Graduate students: Encourage your undergraduate students to submit abstracts.

Reach out to us at for any questions.



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