Strategic Planning Update

Clarkson Community,

During the latest strategic planning campus open forum, held June 11, faculty and staff discussed research and research-based graduate programs. Many inspirational and aspirational narratives were provided around what it looks like when Clarkson is doing its best in these two areas. Many comments were directed around  STEM focused research in science and engineering. We would like to take the opportunity, as requested, to hear more on other forms of research and scholarship. This information, together with last week’s information will help inform the strawdog statements and strategies for this section of the strategic framework report. You can also find the slides, recording, and minutes from our previous open forums which will be posted shortly on this page. 

With that said, the next open forum will be held on Thursday, June 18, from 2 – 3:30pm.  We will encourage a broader discussion into “What does it look like when Clarkson is doing its best research?” 

We continue to have broad representation across the campus community and would like to thank everyone who has been engaged in this restarted planning process.  We are hoping faculty and staff participation will remain strong and discussions incorporate inclusive and all-encompassing perspectives as we continue through the remaining process.  

As always, please reach out with any questions, suggestions, or feedback.


Erin Draper, Bill Jemison, and Shannon Robinson

Zoom Meeting Link for Thursday, 2-3:30:

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