Paid Time Allowed for Employees to Vote on Election Day

Paid Time Allowed for Employees to Vote on Election Day

Clarkson supports good citizenship, which starts with registering to vote and going to the polls. New York State recently updated its Election Law- Section 3-110¡ on April 3, 2020 and your rights under this law are as follows: 

Election Day – November 3, 2020

As a registered voter, you may take off up to 2 hours, without loss of pay, to allow you time to vote if you do not have “sufficient time to vote.”

  • An employee is deemed to have “sufficient time to vote” if an employee has four consecutive hours to vote either from the opening of the polls to the beginning of their work shift, or four consecutive hours between the end of a working shift and the closing of the polls. 
  • Employees may take time off at the beginning or end of your working shift, as your employer may designate, unless otherwise mutually agreed, please work with your supervisor.
  •  Employees must notify your supervisor not less than 2 days before the day of the election that you will take time off to vote.

Please be mindful that election day can affect our community members in many different ways.  As employees in higher education, we ask you to be good role models for our students in your civic engagement and acknowledge the ways the election may impact our students.  We ask that you continue to live by the Clarkson Values and support each other.  As the election approaches and after the election we will be communicating relevant information for our community through various channels.  Thank you for your support.

If you have any questions please contact the Human Resource Office at 315-268-6497 or by email to  

Thank you,

Human Resources

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