Incomplete grade request form now available online

Students are now able to submit requests for incomplete grades in courses online in myCU.  This form can be used by students who, after a discussion with their course instructor, have determined they are unable to complete the requirements for a class by the end of the semester, and an incomplete grade is appropriate.


  • To receive an incomplete grade in a course, you should first speak with your course instructor to determine if an incomplete is possible. Then, you can formally request one via the I-Grade Request form in myCU.
  • Incomplete grades are temporary. If your instructor agrees that an incomplete grade is appropriate, they will assign you a deadline to complete the work. If you do not complete the work by the deadline, a grade of “F” will be recorded for the course. 
  • Incomplete grades might impact your financial aid eligibility or your academic standing. Contact your SAS Rep if you have any concerns.

An incomplete (“I” grade) is a temporary grade on a student’s academic record, given only when a student is unable to complete a course by the end of the term due to circumstances that are considered extenuating and beyond the student’s control. Students may request only two incomplete grades per term – but may contact the Dean of Students’ office if extenuating circumstances require additional incomplete grades.   

If you need to request an incomplete grade for a course, you must submit the request form by the end of the semester, or you will receive the grade you have earned in the course. Documentation of your extenuating circumstance may be requested. You can find step by step instructions on the SAS webpage, here:

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