Clarkson Army ROTC Battalion Finds Unique Solution to a Pandemic Problem

As the days grow colder, Clarkson University officials have been searching for a solution to a new problem created by the COVID-19 pandemic: the need for a space on campus that meets CDC requirements, where medical professionals can evaluate students who have COVID-19 symptoms. All summer and fall, staff from the Student Health and Counseling Center had seen patients in a canopy tent on campus, but the colder weather made that impossible for the winter.

The Golden Knight Battalion had a solution: a military Rapid Response Tent from the Canton Reserve Center. These tents are designed to withstand the elements and allow for heaters inside. The Army uses them to run their Field Training Exercises and store equipment and supplies during the events. 

“We signed out the tent from the Canton Reserve Center for a Field Training Exercise the previous weekend. When Mike Tremper, the Director of Facilities and Services reached out to Supply Technician Mr. Bucky Ladison, he jumped on the opportunity to help,” said Cadet Matthew Strempel ‘21.

Mr. Ladison worked with the Canton Reserve Center to allow Clarkson to utilize the tent for another 30 days. The fall semester ends on November 24. Mr. Ladison is also working with the Reserve Center to secure heaters for the tent.

“One of our core values in the Army is selfless service. We are more than willing to lend a hand and help serve our community,” said Cadet Ashley Gardner ‘21.

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