Introducing Badges and Micro-credentials at Clarkson University!

Clarkson is piloting a new program that will enhance learning and skills through badges and micro-credentials. Badges and micro-credentials are quickly becoming a tool used in both higher education and industry to verify and validate knowledge, skills and abilities. These non-credit, short courses will provide students the opportunity to further personalize their educational experience at Clarkson and enhance their access to areas and topics that are outside of their curriculum, but can be crucial to career success. Micro-credentials are also an opportunity for Clarkson to engage corporate partners in upskilling their workforce and to engage our alumni in professional development.

This pilot initiative, which will launch over the winter break, has been developed by Clarkson Ignite in collaboration with academic and administrative units including the Registrar, OIT, Marketing and External Relations, Academic Affairs and the Career Center. The program is built on the platform Credly, a leader in digital credentials. 

Content, pedagogy and assessment for the four pilot badges that are launching over winter break were developed in collaboration with faculty, corporate partners and alumni. Additional pilot badges in making, prototyping and other targeted in-demand skills will launch throughout the coming months and will allow for testing of alternative delivery modalities and partnerships.

During this pilot phase, badges are only open to Clarkson students, faculty and staff and are offered at no charge. Further information about the program, including current and forthcoming badges, can be found at or  

Data will be collected throughout the pilot period as we explore the full potential of badges and look to optimize processes. If warranted, a full proposal for a University-wide badging program will be developed in collaboration with a committee to include representatives from the faculty senate, CAP committee and other relevant stakeholders.

Questions? Please contact Erin Draper, Managing Director, Clarkson Ignite

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