Coulter School of Engineering Newsletter: December 2020

Message From the Dean

We are excited to share with you the winter edition of the Coulter School of Engineering e-newsletter. Our students and faculty continue to amaze us as they pursue their research and advance the knowledge needed to solve real-world problems for a better future. In this edition, we have highlighted just a few of their stories. I hope you enjoy reading them. 
— Bill Jemison, Dean of the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering/Tony Collins Professor of Innovative Engineering Culture 

COVID-19 Early Warning System 

Much of the problem with the novel coronavirus in communities is that it can spread undetected, particularly among young people, who are often asymptomatic. That’s why Clarkson has gone to an unlikely source to detect the virus before students might even be aware they have it: the sewers. READ MORE

One More Win

In this year of firsts, first place at the first virtual Northeast Regional AIChE Chem-E-Car Competition went to a team of intrepid young engineers from Clarkson. This is the second first-place win in three years for the team, which will now have a shot at another win in the upcoming national competition. READ MORE

Catching the Wind 

No matter which way the wind is blowing, Professor Ken Visser is there to harness it. He and his students continue to refine their ducted wind turbine design. Soon, his company, Ducted Wind Turbines Inc., will be working on commercial turbine construction with the Department of Energy. READ MORE

Accu-Weather in Space

One of the first things you do when planning a trip is check the weather. But what if you’re launching a satellite, routing an airplane or even heading into space? With funding from the Air Force, Professor Chunlei Liang is here to increase the accuracy of space weather forecasting so that you can plan for all those extraterrestrial weather events. READ MORE

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