Faculty Research Support Fund

Clarkson’s internal Research Advisory Committee (RAC) has initiated a new effort to support faculty: the Faculty Research Support Fund. On occasion when a faculty member leaves Clarkson, there is opportunity to redistribute some of their internal funding previously allocated to them to support their research. Clarkson’s Sponsored Research Services (SRS) Office has authorized a working group within the RAC to propose how this funding can be reallocated to members of Clarkson’s research community. In future years, the working group has proposed to use these occasional funds, through an application process, to support mid-career faculty or faculty making career shifts in ramping up new research endeavors. This year, however, the working group has opted to use the funds to support COVID-19 Relief (details to apply are included below). 

To grow and annualize these funds, SRS and the RAC have partnered with our Development Office through the Faculty & Staff Giving program, which provides opportunities for faculty and staff to support each other through gifts that can be routed to this fund. As you may know, the University is measured on its overall participation rate of faculty and staff giving. This number is a powerful message for donors, friends, and peer institutions, and is utilized by ranking and foundation organizations as an indicator of the employees’ belief in the University and its mission. Please note that it is not the size or the amount of the contribution that matters; what matters is the outcome your giving produces.

Through your gift, you support Clarkson AND you support each other, while at the same time taking a sense of ownership in Clarkson now and into the future.  

If you would like to make a gift to this program, visit www.clarkson.edu/giveback and select “other” in the “Fund / Designation Selection” dropdown menu. In the “Comments” section, enter “Faculty Research Support Fund.”  

If you would like to apply for this year’s COVID-19 research relief effort, see details below. We currently have $36,000 in the Faculty Support Fund to allocate to this opportunity!

Clarkson University COVID-19 Relief Fund


Amount: Up to $3000 maximum per award.

Total Amount in Fund: $36,000

Key Dates:

  • Proposal Due Date: April 1, 2021
  • Decision Date:   Applicants notified of the decision by the end of April 2021.


The COVID Relief Fund is intended to give faculty members relief from the financial challenges resulting from COVID.


  1. Full-time Clarkson University faculty are eligible to apply
  2. Awards are limited to a maximum of $3000.

Application Process:

Applicants must submit a brief statement (1or 2 pages) explaining how COVID adversely affected their research project and how they would use an award of up to $3000 to alleviate the losses and to help bring their research back on track.  The funds should be used for a professional purpose, but the reason you were adversely impacted could be personal.

The Research Committee will review the proposals anonymously and will make a recommendation for the selection of the winning proposals. 

If the number of eligible applications exceeds the available funding, the cap of $3000 may be reduced, or a lottery will be used to select who receives funding.  This is a one-time opportunity.  

Contact for Question: Shannon Robinson, srobinso@clarkson.edu
To Submit:  Please send document with Clarkson University COVID-19 Relief Fund in the subject line to: srs@clarkson.edu.

For questions regarding this research announcement, please email Shannon Robinson, AVP for Research & Tech Transfer, at srobinso@clarkson.edu

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