COVID-19 Read: Return to In Person Learning Update

In this communication:

  • Positive Case and Quarantine Updates
  • Lab Classes Started Today; Lecture Classes on Wednesday
  • Fitness Facilities Opening in Phased Return
  • Vaccination Update

Golden Knights,

Positive Case and Quarantine Updates: We have five new positive tests results reported to us today, inclusive of individuals already in mandated public-health quarantines off campus,a precautionary quarantine and one that has already been cleared as recovered. With these results, the University Care Team Members are now supporting 55 students both on and off-campus with an active case status and 94 who remain in public-health mandated quarantine both on and off campus.  Everyone’s diligence to the health and safety protocols is needed.  

Resuming In Person Instruction:  We resumed in person laboratory sessions today and other lecture courses will begin on Wednesday.  Thank you to all students and faculty for double-masking today in labs.  Faculty will provide further information for any changes in these plans for individual courses. 

Fitness Facilities Begin Phased Return:  We continue to follow the science on reopening protocols and also know the importance of physical activity and recreation.  Starting on Wednesday, we will open the Yianoukous Fitness Center in the Cheel Campus Center & Arena for the remainder of the week with limited capacity.  As we together demonstrate reduced case loads, we will open Deneka Fitness Center.  Please book your appointments on the Fitness Center app. 

Vaccination Update: St. Lawrence County Public Health indicates they will be posting this week more information about “Vaccine Pods” in the county that will supplement the Maxcy Fieldhouse Mass Clinics.  Please check in on their site for updates on locations, eligibility and appointments” 

Please keep completing the daily screening tool in your routine, wearing a mask over nose and mouth, practicing social distancing and using good hand hygiene. If you have any questions about this communication, please contact, (employees) (students) and/or me.  

Kelly Chezum

VP for External Relations
Restart/Rebuild Communications Lead

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