Presentation Exclusive: OneNote in the Higher Ed Classroom

Presentation Exclusive: OneNote in the Higher Ed Classroom

November 5, 2018, 3:00p – 4:00p

BH Snell B19

Join Ms. Laura Perry and Dr. David Crouse as they co-present “OneNote in the Higher Ed Classroom” on Nov 5 at 3p in BH Snell B19.   This exclusive offering is in advance of the same presentation at the upcoming “Technology Tools for Learning Conference” hosted by the Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley at St. Lawrence University.

OneNote, Microsoft’s digital note-taking and information gathering tool, has gained in popularity among many instructors at Clarkson because of its ability to capture and project lecture notes in class.  The tool has evolved to include a web application, and a few have taken the next step by adopting OneNote’s Class Notebook product to capture notes, conduct assessments, and collaborate with students.

Session attendees will see how Dr. David Crouse and others use One Note and OneNote Class Notebook to share real-time access to the day’s lecture notes, house critical course content in an organized, easy to access way, and provide for a space that students can contribute to as a group or individually helping them engage actively with the material as well as improve their organization skills.

The Technology Tools for Learning Conference (Nov 10) will showcase several colleagues from Clarkson University and other member institutions as they present on their use of learning technologies.  This Associated Colleges of the St. Lawrence Valley conference is a bi-annual event, and this year’s attendance is expected to exceed 100 faculty and staff from around the region.  Session information and registration available on the web.

Additional information contact Laura Perry,

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