IRS Announces New 2019 Retirement Limits

The IRS recently announced the new 2019 retirement plan contribution limits.

Effective January 1, 2019, you may choose to increase your maximum supplemental/voluntary contributions to your retirement account with TIAA from $18,500 to $19,000 for under the age of 50 and from $24,500 to $25,000 for those over the age of 50.

Please note that you can make changes to your supplemental/voluntary contributions up to twice a year by completing a Supplemental Reduction Form or ROTH Reduction Form. Changes do not have to take place during the annual benefits open enrollment period.

To increase your contribution amount please complete the attached form(s) and return to the HR Office either by emailing or send to campus box CU Box 5542.

If you have any questions, please contact HR at ext. 6497.

Thank you,

Human Resources


Forms:  Supplemental Reduction Form

ROTH Option Supplemental Reduction Form

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