Free virtual screenings of 2 award-winning films, Coded Bias and Picture A Scientist

We would like to invite you to take advantage of free virtual screenings of 2 award-winning films, Coded Bias and Picture A Scientist

Both films will be available for you to watch anywhere. There will also be a series of discussions and panels and we hope you will make time to attend a few of those.

The first film, Coded Bias, is about bias in AI and automated decision-making. 

Increasingly big decisions about the lives of individuals are being made in a partnership between human decision-makers and computer systems. Automated decision-making systems and algorithmically moderated platforms are making profound impacts on our personal and public relationships such as how we find a job, how we get our news, how we drive from place to place, sometimes even how we find a spouse. This is fundamentally changing the landscape of our societal decision-making processes – from hiring decisions, to decisions about news amplification, to criminal justice decisions – and making them vulnerable to new types of attacks and influences and impacting all of our lives and also our careers as computer scientists.

The second film, Picture A Scientist, is about the experience of women scientists. Important to all people, this file is an important examination of systematic bias in science. If you ever wonder whether bias in science is really a problem or not, watch this film and you will come away convinced and enlightened in the ways this bias hurt everyone regardless of gender.

If you have only 9 minutes to get a sense of these films and events, consider watching these 3 short videos:

And then consider registering here for more information how to watch and how to participate in the related events:

Please feel free to invite your friends and family!  Most of these events are open to anyone!

These films are being sponsored by the Clarkson Open Source Institute, an NSF Advance Grant and the Association for Computing Machinery Technology Policy Committee.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the organizers. We really look forward to talking with many of you after you watch these films.

Jeanna Neefe Matthews (Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty Advisor Clarkson Open Source Institute)
Yan Chen (Senior Computer Science Student and Researcher, Member of the Clarkson Open Source Institute)
Chris Mahoney (Junior Computer Science Student and Researcher, Lab Director of the Clarkson Open Source Institute)
Izzi Grasso (Senior Data Science Student and Researcher)
Abigail Matthews (Clarkson alumna, Current Ph.D. Student at University of Wisconsin Madison Department of Computer Science)
Esma Wali (Ph.D. Student and Researcher, Department of Computer Science)
Sarah Treptow (STEM LEAF Project Director)

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