Workshop Today — Don’t Become Prey: Avoiding Predatory Journals & Publishers

Dear Clarkson Students,

REMINDER: The Clarkson University Libraries will continue our fall workshop series today, Nov. 5 at 5pm in Rowley 142 or remotely by Adobe Connect with Don’t Become Prey: Avoiding Predatory Journals & Publishers. (To attend remotely please click here.)

An unfortunate and unintended side effect of the increasing availability of open access publishing has been a rise in “predatory” publishers.

Geared toward graduate students, faculty, and anyone interested in publishing their work, this workshop will discuss publishing for new authors and what a predatory publisher is, and share tips and tricks for avoiding predatory publishers.

Other planned workshop topics include:

  • Finding images and multi-media for presentations.

For more details or to view recordings of our past workshops visit:

If you would like to offer your students extra credit for attending a session, please email Lisa Hoover at who can take attendance.

To keep track of news and events at the library, consider subscribing to our News & Events blog or Like Us on Facebook.


Lisa Hoover & Amber Amidon
Public Services Librarians

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