Enrollment begins this week!

As we approach enrollment for the Spring 2019 semester, I would like to provide information that should help facilitate the process.


Schedule of Classes: The searchable class schedule is available to everyone, here (no need to log into PeopleSoft!) The PDF is available for download, here.


Knowledge Areas, Technology Courses, and Communication Points: Use the class search filters in the searchable class schedule to locate courses that meet the specific criteria you specify. Or, view the static report of courses offered under the Clarkson Common Experience, here.  Students should be viewing their Academic Advisement Report to determine which Knowledge Areas they have already satisfied, and how many Communication Points they have accumulated.


Advisor Holds: View your advisees in PeopleSoft to determine who still has an Advisor hold. If the “OK to Enroll” box is NOT checked, those students still have an advisor hold and will not be able to enroll in classes.


Prerequisites: Students are enrolling in courses for next semester, before grades are due for this semester. That means that some students may successfully enroll in a course now, and then drop or fail the prerequisite course they are currently enrolled in. Department offices are encouraged to run reports after grades are posted to identify these students, so they can correct their class schedules.


Cross-Registration: Students can cross-register during the Fall and Spring semesters. Detailed information on Cross-Registration can be found here.


Contact SAS if you have any questions – sas@clarkson.edu or 315-268-6451.