Relay For Life April 17

Relay for Life, hosted by Clarkson’s American Cancer Society on Campus, is Saturday, April 17, from 12 pm to 6 pm. This event is partially in-person and partially online to accommodate all our remote participants. Activities online will be conducted via our discord server (, as well as a virtual Bingo taking place on CUB’s YouTube channel at 1 pm. In-person events will be on Cheel Lawn including, an opening ceremony with guest speaker President Tony Collins. Many clubs and organizations are hosting tables with various events to participate in. 

A modified version of Luminaria, in honor or remembrance of a life touched by cancer, will take place towards the end of Relay. 

Relay for Life helps fund groundbreaking cancer research, patient care programs and can make a difference in communities like ours. With every donation, you are helping the American Cancer Society save lives.

You can register for the event or donate via this link or by scanning the provided QR code.

We hope to see you all there!

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