Student Success Center Friday Workshop Program

Student Success Center staff and students aspire to promote the program by incorporating the Friday Workshop program into the Virtual Study Session. In doing so, staff guest speakers will be invited to the session and workshop topics are designed to satisfy all students’ needs.  

As final papers and presentations come due, you may want to brush up on skills you learned in previous semesters like how to cite, how to focus the topic for your reader/listener, how to clean up grammar errors.  The presenter is the Director of the Writing Center who will share easy ways to find answers for the rules and processes that you’ve forgotten and give tips for shaping up that paper or presentation.  Come with specific questions, or just relax and enjoy the orientation to the Writing Center website and other tools.

Please RSVP to reserve your seat for the Friday Workshop ASAP and a chance to win a set of earbuds. 

WHAT: Friday Workshop Program – Prep for Final Papers and Presentations

WHEN: 4/16/21 @ 4:30pm


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