Learn about a Class and Service trip to the Dominican Republic!

Education and Ecotourism in the Dominican Republic

Informational Meeting: Tuesday, November 13, 6.00 pm, Price Hall Classroom*

Come to an interest meeting to learn about a class and service learning trip to the Dominican Republic!

This UNIV 349 course involves a weekly class during the semester of spring 2019 and a two week service trip to Angostura in the Dominican Republic in May.  Following up on previous service learning trips in 2015 and 2017, we are collaborating with a local NGO to work on developing the community’s ecotourism infrastructure and on other local projects that will effectively use the range of engineering, science, social science and business skills of our Clarkson faculty and students.

For more information please see attached flier.

* If you are interested in this class and service project but cannot make the meeting, please contact one of us jmatthew@clarkson.edujgoss@clarkson.eduEco

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