RAPS LIVE- Happening this Friday!

Friday, April 23rd the following RAPS presenters will be on campus to present their research. Oral presentations can be viewed by visiting one of two campus Zoom rooms (social distancing restrictions will be in place) or by registering through the rooms corresponding Zoom link.

 SN177 Zoom Link – Register here to view the following environmental presentations

9:00 – Makena Guarnieri & Avery Paradis, “Clarkson’s Greenhouse Growing Systems and Operations”
9:15– Katelyn Murphy, “Raquette River Watershed Assessment”
9:30– Nadia Cheng & Abraham Finny, “3D Printed Hydrogel-based Adsorbents for Heavy Metal Remediation”
Maria Pelusi & Elyse Scott, “Water quality sensors to detect point and nonpoint sources of nutrients in the Upper St. Lawrence River”
10:00– Katelyn Murphy, “A Tale of Two Books: Texas Textbook Censorship in Environmental Science”
10:15– Claudia Bustmante (G), “Understanding electricity use in student apartments: small percentages of residents use disproportionate amounts of electricity”
10:30– Matthew Hawthorne (G), “Environmental Impacts of Outdoor Apparel Refurbishment Systems Compared to Traditionally Manufactured Garments: Comparative Life Cycle Assessment”

 C194 Zoom Link– Register here to view the following Engineering & Behavioral Science presentations

9:15– Aminata Niang,  “I won’t be a guinea pig for white people!”

9:30– Sean Willis, “Effects of Grain Boundary-Dislocation Interaction on High Entropy Alloy Strengthening”

9:45– Mason Kozody, “Synthesis of Poly(Methacrylic Anhydride) through Catalytic Chain Transfer Polymerization”

10:00– Bridget Wangler, “COVID-19 in New York state: Effects of demographics and air quality on infection and fatality”

10:15- Anne Rolsma, “Reactivity Ratios of tert-Butyl Acrylate and a Thiolactone-functionalized Acrylamide in RAFT Polymerizations”
10:30– Marianne Brown (G), “Using Stories in Science as Culturally Responsive Pedagogy”

Friday, April 23rd the following RAPS Digital Image presentations can be viewed in the ERC

Monitor One Environmental (ERC 2nd floor, near Group Collaboration Room 2210)

11:00– Felicity Bilow, “Examining the Impacts of a Sociotechnical Approach to Energy Education on Engineering Students’ Sense of Belonging and Attitudes Toward Engineering”

11:15– Alexis Kimble & Jeanne Beveridge, “Food Waste Recycling in Potsdam Community”

11:30– Adeline Danyla & Elizabeth Newton, “Food Waste Recovery; Managing the Usable Food Waste in Potsdam, NY”

11:45– Tia Stoddard & Christian Cass, “Clarkson University Greenhouse Heating System”

12:00– Alex Bain (G), “Microgrids in the Energy Transition”

12:15- Julia Piskun, Anna Ropes, Toby Harmon, Mackenzie Peters, Courtney Johnson-Woods, “Mercury in Vernal Pools: From People to Policy”

Monitor TwoBehavioral Science (ERC 1st floor, Ignite Office)

11:00– Analea Blackburn, Janine Goggin & Bre Hamilton, “Understanding Racial Injustice in Modern Society

11:15– Gretchen Kraeger, The Journey to Adapt: A Phenomenological Study on COVID-19

11:30– Camryn Peets, Finding a Way: A Phenomenological Analysis of Social Connectedness During COVID-19

11:45– Gabrielle Crusan, Moving through anxiety to wellbeing during the pandemic

Monitor Three– Biomedical, Cybersecurity, other (ERC 1st floor Atrium Stage)

11:00– Taylor Wicks, “Investigating Listening Difficulties in Children Using Chirp Speech EEG

11:15 Ashlyn McCann, Acoustic signal analysis as a tool to identify pathological voice quality in a physical model of blunt force laryngeal trauma

11:30– Gianna Valenti, Computational Study of the Activity of Frustrated Lewis Pairs on CO2 Hydrogenation to Formic Acid
11:45–  Surya Raja Monalisa Achalla (G), Consensus based COVID-19 hotspot network size estimation and node counting

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