Chief Inclusion Office Weekly DEIB Resources & Day of Silence LGBTQA+

April 23 is Day of Silence – A day meant to help our community understand the challenges facing LGBTQA+ members of our community. 

Here are some resources to help you honor the day both virtually and in person. It will also help you find resources for Breaking the Silence and virtual events. 

My Silence, My Story. 

The GLSEN Day of Silence is a national student-led demonstration where LGBTQ students and allies all around the country—and the world—take a vow of silence to protest the harmful effects of harassment and discrimination of LGBTQ people in schools. 

Started in the mid 90’s by two college students, the Day of Silence has expanded to reach hundreds of thousands of students each year. Every April, students go through the school day without speaking, ending the day with Breaking the Silence rallies and events to share their experiences during the protest and bring attention to ways their schools and communities can become more inclusive.

National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health 2020

Experts are just beginning to understand the mental health impacts of the multiple crises in 2020 that have deeply impacted so many. 

The 2020 Survey is The Trevor Project’s second annual release of new insights into the unique challenges that LGBTQ youth face every day. 

Clarkson Resources 

Look for Safe Space Stickers 

The SafeSpace program provides easily recognizable individuals who are available to provide these resources. The SafeSpace symbol is a message to GLBT students and colleagues that an employee has participated in the SafeSpace training and is committed to increasing their knowledge of and sensitivity to GLBT issues. The symbol allows the campus community to identify program members and know that they can speak freely with these individuals about issues, including sexual identity, gender identity, and gender expression which may affect their academic success or job satisfaction. 

Gender Sexuality Alliance 

The Clarkson GSA provides a community for people who do not 

feel comfortable being themselves in a public space. We hold 

events which educate the campus and the Potsdam 

community about LGBTQ+ rights and issues. We also plan 

social events that encourage diversity and inclusiveness. 

If you need support or if you have concerns to report, please contact: 

Chief Inclusion Office 315-268-3785 

○ The team is available and ready to support you. We can help you figure out how to address your concerns and needs from transitioning to coming out and finding community resources. The Chief Inclusion Office can take reports of bias or harassment. 

Dean of Students Office 315-268-6620 [will be monitored during business hours] 

○ Can help with any and all student needs from stress to housing to academic concerns. 

● For emergencies and 24 hour response please call Campus Safety and Security 315-268-6666 or 911 – CRC use (518) 631-9900 or 911 

○ Safety Officers available in the ERC office and at number above. 

○ They can contact several offices throughout the university. 

○ CSS available 24/7 for safety escorts on campus and within the village of Potsdam. 

Clarkson University’s Counseling Center staff is available to meet with students for a one-time or ongoing basis to offer counseling and support. You can request an appointment by calling: 315-268-6633 or by sending an email to

Chief Inclusion Office Weekly DEIB Resources 

Day of Silence LGBTQA+ 

Residence Life Staff is available 24/7 for students in distress. Resident Advisors, House Advisors, Resident Directors, and Professional Staff are trained in crisis management, de-escalation, and active listening. The Residence Life Office has separate meeting spaces for students who want to speak in private. Our office also has Safe Rooms that we can use while mediation is occurring or if a student feels targeted. 

SafetyNet is always a resource to share concerns about students.

Human Resources wants to remind employees that they have access to resources on how to manage stress and mental health through the Employee Assistance Program and Telehealth. 315-268-7928. University Ombudsperson[Staff] (888)-268-5044 

Several members of the Bias Prevention and Response Team are also available to talk and help you find resources. Reach out to find out drop in times or set up a one-on-one time to talk. Or contact Patrice Cole in the CIO for more information on resources. 

The Chief Inclusion Office offers a weekly resources announcement to the Clarkson Community. The resources are meant to help people explore diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging[DEIB] for themselves, in their communities, and in our institution. They may be resources that help you re-examine society and do some introspective reflection, explain core concepts like intersectionality or anti-racism, or practical guides for action, such as how to review a syllabus for equity-minded practice or address inappropriate behavior. 

The resources are linked in the announcement and saved to a common google folder for all to reference, All prior resources can be found there. If you would like to share thoughts on resources, please contact We will also be using some of these resources as the basis of workshops and professional development throughout the year.

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