Coulter School of Engineering Newsletter: April 2021

Message From the Dean

I am pleased to share with you the spring edition of the Coulter School of Engineering e-newsletter. Our students and faculty have persevered through a challenging winter and continue to pursue the interdisciplinary research and knowledge needed to solve the real-world problems facing all of us. In this edition, we have highlighted just a few of their stories. I hope you enjoy reading them. 

— William Jemison, Dean of the Wallace H. Coulter School of Engineering/Tony Collins Professor of Innovative Engineering Culture

International Impact

A relative newcomer to Clarkson, Simona Liguori is already making her mark as a Golden Knight on the international stage: she was recently appointed as an associate editor of the Chemical Engineering Journal. Liguori, an assistant professor in chemical & biomolecular engineering, joined Clarkson in 2020 from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. READ MORE

A Distinguished Alumna

At Clarkson, we’re proud of our women in STEM every day. But this past International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we were especially proud of Abeer Al-Bawab MS’97, PhD’97, who received a 2021 Distinguished Women in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Award from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. READ MORE

From Clarkson to Mars

This past year has been a busy one for Professor Suresh Dhaniyala. At Clarkson, he applied his  expertise in aerosol physics to ensure the campus stayed safe from airborne COVID-19 particles. Now, a project he’s worked on with NASA — the Mars 2020 program — has finally come to fruition. READ MORE

Maintaining the Power

Recent events across the country have illustrated that America’s power grids are in dire need of maintenance. To this end, power engineers looking to advance their skills in this crucial field can take advantage of Clarkson’s new Advanced Certificate in Power Systems Engineering. READ MORE

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