Online Learning Consortium Announces 2021 OLC Innovate Award Winners

Leaders recognized for shaping the future of online, digital and blended learning 

The Online Learning Consortium (OLC) and MERLOT announced the 2021 OLC Innovate Award winners today, celebrating peer-identified effective practices in digital teaching and learning, equity and inclusion, and open education.

“As a leading consortium gathering educators and innovators to make quality online education more accessible, affordable, and successful for all, it is my honor to recognize the Innovate Award winners for their significant contributions,” said Angela Gunder, Chief Academic Officer.  “We are excited to share their work and continue building on these effective techniques, strategies, and evidence-based practices in online education.”

This year’s OLC Innovate Award recipients include:

Effective Practice Award Winners

Dr. Sean Nufer of TCS Education and Dr. Veronica Estrada of Pacific Oaks College for the School of Human Development
Nufer and Estrada were awarded for their work in re-imagining how online discussion forums can connect with students.

 Knowing that online students are bombarded with discussion assignments, the team began looking at their institutional and accreditation competencies, evaluating assessment rubrics, and dismantling instructional design components and Bloom’s taxonomy to unmask the fundamental elements of  discussion activities. They then worked to completely revitalize the current model by identifying essential components, busy work or perfunctory seat time, and critical pieces that could be innovated.

Erin Blauvelt and Loretta Driskel of Clarkson University
Blauvelt and Driskel were awarded for their work on “RISE: Reframing Instruction for Success Everywhere” at Clarkson University.

The RISE workshop enabled instructors to confidently offer their courses in online and blended formats, which provided access for both students and instructors who were unable to be on campus for various reasons. By empowering instructors and students to  fully participate online, Clarkson University was able to maximize retention and ensure student success from anywhere in the world.

Equity and Inclusion Scholarship Winners

Based on letters of recommendation, the OLC provided scholarships to cover course and conference fees for online learning professionals who are part of communities that are traditionally underrepresented and excluded in our field.

Dr. Diana Ruggiero, University of Memphis
“Dr. Ruggiero’s background is diverse and has helped shape her way of thinking, and interests in community-based learning,”said XX in a letter of recommendation. “Equity and diversity are the center of her teaching, scholarly activity, and service at her institution, and in her life. Attending any webinar she may give is an amazing cultural experience, since she brings in her own personal life, her background, her experiences and knowledge. I have never seen a presenter who engages her audience so much in her presentations than Dr. Ruggiero.”

Dr. Yuliana Kenfield, Western Oregon University
“Dr. Kenfield has the heart, compassion and understanding of what equity and inclusion means,” said XX in a letter of recommendation. “I can think of one time in particular when a student in her course preferred sign language interpreters for the video lectures. Dr. Kenfield communicated regularly with our office to ensure sign language interpreters were available when she made her class recordings so the student in her class would have equitable access to the information just like other students.”

The OLC would also like to recognize the 2021 OLC Innovate Awards judging panel: Lead Judge, Dr. Angela Gibson, Texas A&M University, Kingsville; Tonya Bennett, University of Pennsylvania; Nick Lepeschkin-Noel, Michigan State University; Katie Schuster, Online Learning Consortium; Dr. Ryan Straight, University of Arizona.

For more information on OLC Awards, please visit:

About the Online Learning Consortium


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