Amateur Radio Exams at Clarkson University on Saturday, August 14, 2021

The Clarkson VE Team will be holding ham radio licensing exams on Saturday, August 14, 2021, at 9:30 am at Clarkson University’s hill campus in Potsdam, NY. The exams will be held in the Technology Advancement Center (TAC)  building, room 206.

The exam fee is $15 cash.  Please bring at least one form of photo ID, and a copy of any documentation concerning any current license which you intend to upgrade.  We will keep the copy in our records.  We do NOT have copying facilities available at the exam session.

The FCC has changed its policy on the FRN (FCC Registration Number).  All applicants for amateur radio licenses MUST have an FRN BEFORE taking the exam. If you have had an amateur license within the past 15 years or so, you have an FCC Registration Number (FRN).  It is printed on your amateur radio license, and is also available from the FCC website: If you have an FRN, please bring it with you to the exam session so you can enter it on the application form.

If you do not have an FRN, you will need to go to the FCC website at: generate one.  After you have done that, please bring it with you to the exam session so you can enter it on the application form.  NOTE WELL:  the old procedure where one could enter a Social Security Number on the application form and the FCC would generate the FRN is no longer being followed by the FCC.  If you do not already have an FRN when you arrive at the exam session, you will NOT be able to sit for any of the exams.\

You may use a non-programmable calculator, or a programmable calculator from which any programs have been removed.  The calculator may not be an app on a phone or portable computer.  If you don’t have a suitable calculator, you may borrow one at the test session.

If you need scratch paper, we will provide it, and we will collect it when you turn in your answer sheet.

If you require accommodation for a disability, please register with me at least a couple of days beforehand so I can make arrangements.  My contact info is at the end of this e-mail.  Otherwise, no pre-registration is needed. A map of the Clarkson campus may be found at:

The TAC is building 43 on the map.  You may park in the nearby parking lot (next to the Science Center, number 9), or in the Moore House parking lot (between buildings 41 [ERC] and 24 [Moore House] on the map).  Signs on and in the TAC building will direct you further.

Please contact Ted Champagne (N4TW) via email at or via phone at (315) 605-8873 if you have any further questions.  Also, if you know anyone who is interested in taking an exam to get licensed or upgraded, please share this with them.

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