Training and Development Announcement

Dear Clarkson Community,

Last year we launched mandatory Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training through our Human Resources and Chief Inclusion Offices. The importance of training has been seen in many areas on our campus and we recognize the opportunities created for self-reflection and professional development. We have added more specialized training topics that will be offered out on a yearly basis. Doing so allows our faculty and staff to be able to select certain areas of training they would like to receive more knowledge on, or in areas found relevant to their positions.

The mandatory training through Human Resources will remain online and available for all new faculty and staff members. We will continue training and development debriefs after sessions. We are working on in-person and zoom options for the specialized training sessions. With feedback from our faculty, staff and students the Chief Inclusion Office will focus on covering micro-aggressions and micro-affirmations to positively acknowledge the diverse groups of individuals in higher education. We will continue to work on identifying specific opportunities with different schools represented on Clarkson University’s campus. A separate email will be sent with an online link for the training required of all employees for this year. And the following events will be advertised individually to the campus community.

2021-2022 DEI Training Topics:
Classroom Dynamics
Bridging the Gap Amongst Students and Educators
Intercultural Communication
Crucial Conversations
Equity-Minded Education

Please stay tuned for the announcements on the following opportunities. Managers can release individuals to attend these events and workshops.

Coming this Fall:

Uncomfortable Conversations: A Discussion on the Inclusivity of Engineering Faculty Culture
Featuring: Dr. Oliver, J. Meyers & Dr. Melissa C. Smith – Clemson University

Friday, September 17, 2021
Snell 330 (Petersen Boardroom)
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
For more information contact: Doug Bohl –
Sept 21 Decolonization in Academe, Rodney Coates and Stephen Quay for more information contact
Sept 28 Decolonizing your Dialogue, DDNRC Board Members
for more information contact
Sept 30 Inclusive Jobs Ads Workshop, Zoom for more information contact

Oct 6 Inclusive Jobs Ads Workshop, Zoom for more information contact
Oct 13 Tia Brown McNair, Equity-Mindedness Lecture, Presidential Speakers Series
LGBTQ+ Training Workshops

Indigenous Training
Tanya Odum, Micro-aggressions and Micro-affirmations, Improving Classroom Dynamics
Dialogue Training with DDNRC

Spring 2022
Cynthia Sims and Angela Carter, Inclusive Leadership Training
Dr. Jewel Jackson – Engaging Multicultural Learners, Teaching Social Justice in the Classroom

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