North Country Climate Reality host Bill Mckibben and Katharine Hayhoe on October 21st from 3pm to 5pm.

North Country Climate Reality, in collaboration with SUNY Adirondack and the SUNY Plattsburgh branch campus at Queensbury, are excited to host Bill Mckibben and Katharine Hayhoe on October 21st from 3pm to 5pm.

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The event is free for all students (SUNY or non-SUNY) and will feature influential authors and scientists Bill Mckibben and Katharine Hayhoe. Following their keynote presentations, William Throop, the former provost of Green Mountain College, will engage the two in a discussion on how to realize successful climate change solutions in a polarized political environment. The conference will finish with an audience Q&A.

As part of the North Country Climate Reality annual conference, this event looks toward making the North Country region a model for effective local climate action. 

Bill Mckibben

Mckibben is an internationally renowned author and climate activist. He is best known for starting  – the first global grassroots climate campaign. Additionally, Mckbibben has published 17 books on the climate crisis including The End of Nature, which is credited as the first book on climate change published for general audiences. If that wasn’t enough, Mckibbon has won the Gandhi Peace Prize, the Right Livelihood Award (aka the alternative Nobel), is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and serves as the Schumann Distinguished Scholar in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College, among other accolades. 

Katharine Hayhoe

Hayhoe is the chief scientist for the Nature Conservancy and author of Saving Us: a Climate Scientists Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. Her TED talk, “The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Stop Climate Change: Talk About It” has received over 4 million views. She has received the National Center for Science Education’s Friend of the Planet Award, the American Geophysical Union’s Climate Communication Award, the Sierra Club’s Distinguished Service Award, and is listed in TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people, among other honors. 

*Katharine was on Jimmy Kimmel live this past week to discuss her new book. Katharine
Hayhoe on Jimmy Kimmel Live

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Note: non-students are encouraged to give a $25 suggested donation

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