Please Include Text With All Announcement Requests

In order to best serve all members of our Clarkson community, we ask that anyone sending in an announcement to include written text with their post, along with any graphics or photos that may be included. As part of supporting ADA, this allows persons with visual impairments and text-to-speech devices to get your message. 

Posters may be included in announcements as JPG or PNG files. PDFs are not supported in the announcements and any live links included in PDFs will not be functional. Along with your visual, please also include any and all pertinent information in written text to be included above, below, or around your image. 

As a reminder, if you would like to include something in the announcements, please send the information you would like included to by 11 a.m. the day you would like the announcement to appear.

Please also include which campus communities you would like included (Potsdam, CRC, and/or Beacon) as well as which audience you need your announcement to be sent to (Faculty, Staff, Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students). 

Your announcement should also include a clear headline with the first paragraph also getting to the main point..

If you have any questions, please send them to

Thank you.

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