10 Reasons To Donate To The United Way

10. It’s a write off! That’s right! Your donation to United Way is tax deductible! You have to love that!

9. You are not alone! Giving to United Way is the most powerful way to give to your community. Your donation multiplies community impact combining your gift with others. We can collectively accomplish in one year with our gifts to United Way more than any one person could accomplish in a lifetime toward achieving a healthier, stronger community!

8. More bang for your buck! With a single donation to United Way, you can help numerous people, agencies and programs in your community!

7. The kids are watching! We are role models and we are always telling our kids to share. Teaching children about philanthropy creates community awareness, social responsibility, and how to be a good neighbor. These are important life skills they will carry into adulthood!

6. It won’t break your bank! You might be wondering “How much should I give?” You would be amazed at how sharing an hour’s pay per month can make a big difference in someone’s life. Dollars add up to create real impact!

5. Your money stays in your own backyard! The money you donate to United Way supports local programs and agencies. Dollars raised in your community, stay in your community to help build a better place for us all to live, work, and raise our families. This truly is neighbor helping neighbor!

4. Your money… your way! A donation to United Way can be customized to target any agency or population segment you choose. For example, you might want to help children and youth succeed, promote self sufficiency for the elderly, sustain people in crisis, or help families in need. This allows your financial gift to become personal and meaningful to you!

3. It’s good for you! There have been recent studies that show that philanthropy has health benefits, including boosting the immune system and releasing endorphins that improve your mood. So don’t give ‘til it hurts…give ‘til it feels good!

2. Your money is safe! The United Way of Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence County has strict state and federal guidelines we must follow, not to mention our own By-Laws, Code of Ethics, and Core Values. Also, community volunteers review and monitor partner agencies and programs for effectiveness. Funding decisions are based on the performance and impact these agencies and programs have on community needs. We ensure that your money is being spent wisely!

And the #1 reason is…

1. There is strength in numbers! The strength of our community depends on the strength of your local United Way. The strength of United Way depends on YOU. Please support United Way of Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence County. This is how we LIVE UNITED!


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