Career Panel – Options for careers to solve environmental problems

Reminder: Environmental Careers Panel Happening Thursday!

Dr. Anahita Williamson, US EPA Director of the Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) in EPA Region 2
John Rydzewski, Nike
Lorrie Gervin, Retired
Kevin Neumeier, Innovator, CEO, Swift Rails

Dr. Williamson has a strong background and extensive experience in the field of chemical and environmental engineering, including manufacturing process modification for improved material recovery and reuse, sustainability and green engineering. Dr. Williamson serves as the Director of the Laboratory Services and Applied Science Division (LSASD) in EPA Region 2 and oversees a staff of ~60 employees to carry out LSASD’s mission. She has also served as the Director of the NYS Pollution Prevention Institute at the Rochester Institute of Technology and as a Senior Engineer at Xerox Corporation in Rochester, NY. In these roles, Dr. Williamson worked with industries, communities and academia on implementing a variety of manufacturing solutions that focused on reducing both environmental and economic footprints. Dr. Williamson holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering (1998) and M.S. (2002) and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering (2006), all from Clarkson University.

Kevin Neumaier, P.E. is CEO of innovative transportation startup Swift Rails. Swift Rails’ transit solution moves individuals and small groups directly to their desired stations in zero emission driverless vehicles on elevated tracks. The systems are 5 times faster and 1/40th the cost of conventional transit. Prior to Swift Rails, Kevin was CEO of 1600 person global environmental consulting company Ecology & Environment. Kevin is from the class of ’86 – a Clarkson trained civil and environmental engineer with a master’s degree in global ecology.

Lorrie Gervin is a retired environmental engineering consultant who was based in California for her career. She helped to support operations of a wastewater plant (12-15 MGD, pop-167,000 people) as a manager of clean water grant funding. She has experience with water reuse, oxidation ponds, algae problems, and anaerobic digestion for sludge management. She received her MS CEE degree from Clarkson in 1985. Fun fact – President Collins – then Asst Prof. Collins – was Lorrie’s MS thesis.

John Rydzewski is the Director of Water Programs, Sustainable Manufacturing, & Sourcing at Nike, Inc. He oversees water use and reuse throughout the entire supply chain of suppliers and manufacturers of the components that comprise Nike products. John has BS and MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson.

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