Reception for Erin Draper, Managing Director of Clarkson Ignite

Clarkson Ignite is hosting a farewell reception for Erin Draper, Managing Director, on Friday, February 4 from 9 am until 10 am.

Erin began working at Clarkson in 2006 in the office of undergraduate admissions and moved to the school of business in 2009 to work on the development of a newly forming entrepreneurship center, later named by Dave ’62 and Sue Reh as the Reh Center for Entrepreneurship. She was named as the founding Managing Director of Clarkson Ignite in 2017.

Erin has accepted a position at Syracuse University as Director of Experiential Programs in the Whitman School of Management and will remain in the North Country.

Please join us for light refreshments and wish Erin the best of luck in her new position! Ignite Office Suite, ERC 1101, February 4, 2022, 9 am until 10 am

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