Ten more returning tickets for Knight Bus on January 9th, 2019

We still have ten one-way Knight Bus return tickets for January 9th, 2019. Please click the link to purchase the ticket if you plan to take our bus to return to Clarkson.

The Knight Bus leaves from NYC (Penn Station) at 8:45 a.m. It stops at Woodbury Commons at approximately 10:15 a.m.; then it stops at Albany (Trailways Station) at approximately 12:30 p.m.; finally it arrives at Cheel Clarkson at around 4:00 p.m.  Please be aware that the time on the schedule (except the departure time from Cheel Potsdam and NYC) is an estimation, and please make sure to arrive at the stop or the station ten or twenty minutes ahead of schedule.

Please contact Maya Dufresne ydufresn@clarkson.edu, 315 600 7375 or Jen Ball jball@clarkson.edu, 315 212 8940 for assistance and information.

We have three chaperones on the bus. They are Md Rob <robma@clarkson.edu>, Royce Nsiah <nsiahr@clarkson.edu>, Nancy Ni <nin@clarkson.edu>.  You can also contact them if you need any assistance or information.

If you wish to cancel your ticket, please contact Ms.Samantha Ellison at sellison@clarkson.edu for a refund.

Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives

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