KURSTIN STOWELL Executive Director ROB BICKNELL Board President March 15, 2022 Good Afternoon! With all of the chaos of the world, it’s a great escape to find joy in the small things. Like 40 degree weather and the sun setting at 7:00pm! The Village of Potsdam is hosting information meetings regarding the Downtown Revitilization Initiative. “There will be two evening meetings on Tuesday, March 15 and Wednesday, March 16 at 7:00 p.m. each night in the Civic Center Board Room, 2 Park St. A less-formal grant workshop will be Saturday, March 19 at 10 a.m. at the Jernabi Coffee House, 11 Maple St. All three meetings will last about one hour.” (NNY Business) Allison Carney of Brick & Mortar Music, along with Larry and Pam Hazen of Hazen Enterprises and volunteers, are coordinating a fundraiser for the Ukrainian People. “Potsdam Stands with Ukraine” on March 26th. More information can be found at https://bandmm.com/pages/stand-with-ukraine/ Membership dues are out! Our mailing list will update on April 1st to reflect 2022 payments. Please find your membership dues in your email and pay by April 1st to consider receiving your member benefits! As always, please contact me at any time with any questions or concerns! Sincerely, Kurstin Stowell Executive Director Contact the Chamber Community Clean Up Day CHAMBER NEWS & EVENTS “Potsdam plans 3 sessions to discuss DRI program“ NNY360 BUSINESS NEWS & EVENTS Potsdam Chamber of Commerce 24 Market St Potsdam, NY 13676 info@potsdamchamber.com www.potsdamchamber.com Visit our website |