In this communication:
- Changes Due to Expiration of NYS HERO Act
- Mask Wearing
- COVID-19 Testing
- Thank You Golden Knights
NYS HERO Act Expired
The NYS HERO Act expired on March 17 and was not renewed by Gov. Hochul and the NYS Commissioner of Health Bassett..
With its expiration, Clarkson will:
- No longer require visitor forms for events and for persons coming to campus for meetings, vendor services, etc
- No longer require employees and students to complete the daily health screening form.
- No longer require proof of vaccination for short-term based guests to university events such as Recognition Day and Commencement; or for external users of the fitness center/athletic facilities.
- Note: For event planners, event safety plans are still required per past practice prior to the pandemic, but will not have the COVID-19 restrictions.
Mask Wearing
Per the announcement before break, we are still requiring masks in the classroom this week as community members return from Spring Break. Clarkson’s mask wearing policies will change on March 25 at 5pm as stated in the announcement. While mask wearing will no longer be required after that time, please keep carrying a mask with you and show respect to those who wear masks and to those who may ask you to also wear one around them. Per CDC Guidance, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask. Masks are still required on public transportation and in some healthcare settings.
COVID-19 Testing
If you are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, get tested. Here is a statewide information site for where to find free testing:
Clarkson is a safe place to work, live, study and visit. The entire Clarkson community is commended for its commitment to the health and safety of others and its diligence in responding to the vaccination requirement and taking appropriate action when symptomatic or around others who are sick.
Thank you for being Golden Knights caring about your community.
COVID-19 Response Leads
Anthony G. Collins, President
Robyn Hannigan, Provost
Amy McGaheran, Chief Human Resources Officer
Kelly Chezum, VP for External Relations
Brian Grant, VP for Enrollment & Student Advancement
Joshua Fiske, Chief Information Officer
Scott Smalling, Director of Athletics & Recreation
Erica Arnold, Environmental Health & Safety Manager, Emergency Response Manager