Come to the ERC on Jan. 8 at 9 a.m. to see the Innovation Behind the Wall

Clarkson faculty and staff,
Happy New Year! As a kickoff to the spring semester, please mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 8, at 9 a.m. for an exciting, exclusive preview of the Innovation Hub and what’s been igniting behind the construction wall in the Schuler Educational Resources Center on the Potsdam Campus this past year. 
Come see the next generation in innovation resources that will help our campus explore, create and achieve what’s next. Learn more about #ClarksonIgnite and get answers to frequently asked questions like

  • Is #ClarksonIgnite something new?
  • Where can you find #ClarksonIgnite at the University?
  • Why is #ClarksonIgnite important to the Clarkson experience?
  • What disciplines and research areas at Clarkson include #ClarksonIgnite?
  • Who is in charge of #ClarksonIgnite?
  • How can you #ClarksonIgnite?

We look forward to seeing you at this preview of the new facilities!

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