Support Staff Thanks Clarkson Community for their Support at the Holiday Luncheon

The Support Staff Council would like to thank the campus community for their generous contributions to the Support Staff Fundraiser at the Holiday Luncheon! Support Staff Members (and friends) donated beautiful gift baskets, lottery tickets, money and time. The Gift Basket and Lottery Tree raffles raised $1,280! These funds allow us to directly help members of the Clarkson Community who are in need. They also allow us to award a scholarship at University Recognition Day to help a nontraditional student who has demonstrated excellence here at Clarkson.

The next Support Staff Meeting is on Thursday, February 14th at the Adirondack Lodge. 
Keep your eye out for announcements about our upcoming Spring Fundraiser!   

The Support Staff Council serves as a liaison between the Support Staff and Clarkson Administration. It is the Council’s goal to bring the Support Staff together to encourage collaboration throughout the campus and local communities, develop and implement professional development programs, provide scholarships, and distribute financial assistance for those in need.
Dona Eggleston – Chair
Kristin Gregg – Vice ChairBonnie Oemcke – TreasurerAdrienne Boswell – SecretaryMarcy Adams – ParliamentarianMichelle Young – Administrative Liaison

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