Clarkson Staff Member Elected President of the College Student Personnel Association of New York State, Inc.

Kelsey Pearson, Associate Dean of Students at Clarkson University was recently elected to serve as the President of the College Student Personnel Association of New York State, Inc. (CSPA-NYS). CSPA-NYS is a comprehensive professional student affairs organization that provides professional development programs and networking opportunities for graduate students, new professionals, and mid-level managers in higher education in New York State.

Pearson will serve a three-year term, during which she will serve as President-Elect for the first year, President in the second year, and Past-President in the third year. She will serve as an ex-officio member of all CSPA-NYS committees. She will act as the primary point of contact for the Coordinator of Educational Partnerships, Faculty Liaison, and Senior Student Affairs Liaison.

Pearson served as the CSPA-NYS Vice President for Professional Development from October 2018 through June 2020. She transitioned into the role of Treasurer beginning June 2020 and will remain in this role until her presidential term begins. Her responsibilities as President will begin on November 1, 2022. 

Pearson has been a valued member of the Clarkson University community since August 2015 when she accepted the role of Director of Student Organizations and Student Center. In October 2018, she transitioned to the role of Assistant Dean of Students. In January 2022, she was promoted to Associate Dean of Students. Secondarily, Pearson served as Clarkson’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator for students from August 2015 through April 2022.

For more information on CSPA-NYS visit

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