Closing Comment Period Sunday 1/20/19 – Middle States Re-accreditation Self-Study

We have received requests to leave the comment period open through the weekend. The Middle States Self-Study comment period will close Sunday, January 20th at 5pm. The Self-Study process is a way to affirm and demonstrate the university’s compliance with the Standards of Accreditation, examine strengths and opportunities for improvement, and reflect on the incredible story that has unfolded over the past 10 years. We appreciate your comments!

As you review the Self-Study report, the team’s questions for you are:

1.Are there sections of the report that are not clear?
2.What in the report do you think is inaccurate? Do you have suggestions for improving accuracy?
3.What appears to be missing from the report? Have we overlooked important aspects of the University? Do you have suggestions for additional documentation?

For both 2) and 3), including supporting documentation for your comments and suggestions will be helpful.

Please send an email to the Office of Planning & Analysis at to request access to the preliminary Middle States self-study report.

Thanks for assisting us with this effort!

The Middle States Core Team,
Jerry Gravander (Chair)
Amanda Pickering (Co-Chair)

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