Student Information From OAS

Important information from the Office of Accessibility Services is detailed below. Any questions or concerns should be directed to


  • Students can  request accommodations through myCU. See details below.
  • The accommodation process is through myCU. See details below.
  • Instructors and students will work together to identify mutually acceptable exam times when students have an extended time accommodation and that time conflicts with another course. See details below.
  • The Office of Accessibility Services has partnered with Occupational Therapy to provide two Chrome extensions (Snap&Read and Co:Writer) to all Clarkson users through the Assistive Technology Toolbox. Many additional Assistive Technology offerings are available courtesy of Occupational Therapy.

Students requesting classroom accommodations for the first time:

*Students who already have accommodations set up with OAS should proceed to the next section.

  1. Login to myCU and click myCU Homepage on the left toolbar.
  2. Select Tutoring & Accommodations then Class Accommodations.
  3. Complete the OAS Intake Form to the best of your ability.
    1. Include documentation from your medical provider which indicates your disabling condition, which major life functions are substantially limited by the condition, and in what ways those life functions are substantially limited.
    2. Students may upload their IEP, 504 Plan, or equivalent, if applicable.
  4. OAS will contact you with additional information requests as needed.
  5. If approved, you will be notified to complete the steps below to request using your accommodations.

Students requesting to use approved academic accommodations (must be completed every semester):

  1. Use a web browser with pop ups enabled.
  2. Login to myCU, click myCU Homepage on the left toolbar of your Student Dashboard.
  3. Select Tutoring & Accommodations then Class Accommodations.
  4. Complete and submit the OAS contract and ethics agreement.
  5. Click Select Accommodations for a course and toggle to Yes all accommodations you would like to use for the course. Submit the selection. Repeat this step for each course.
  • If you have an extended time accommodation and you have back-to-back classes (i.e. your extended time accommodation would require you to miss your next class), you must work with your instructor to identify a mutually agreeable time to take your exam. The exam must align with the testing center hours if it will be proctored by OAS.
  • If you have a flexible attendance accommodation, you must also download and complete the Flexible Attendance Agreement form with your instructor(s).
  • If you have a flexible deadline accommodation, you must also download and complete the Flexible Deadline Agreement form with your instructor(s).
  • If you have an individual accommodation or an accommodation that you feel would be beneficial to talk with your instructor(s) about, reach out to your instructor(s) as soon as possible.
  • Submit your request for alternate format textbooks here.
  • Email to request to use your note taker accommodation.

Students requesting an exam to be proctored by OAS:

  1. Once you have completed the section above and each instructor has acknowledged your accommodation on myCU, you will be able to request your exams.
  2. Click Add Request for the class exam you are registering.

Note: Exam requests must be made no fewer than 7 days prior to an exam.

  1. In the popup window, type in the exam date and time. If appropriate, select a radio button for computer use, separate location testing, or both. Click submit.

Note: Be sure to sign up for the time your class is taking the exam or the time you and your instructor agreed upon.

  1. Repeat the steps above for each exam request.
  2. Contact the Office of Accessibility Services if there is a change in an exam date/time or if an exam is canceled.
  3. At any time, check your registered exam date, time, and location on the Class Accommodations page.

Late exam requests:

  • Students are responsible to schedule their own exams through myCU at least 7 days in advance.
  • Any exam requests that come in after this deadline will be reviewed to determine if OAS is able to add this exam request. It is not guaranteed that OAS will be able to honor late requests.
  • Students are permitted up to 5 late exam requests each semester. After the allotted 5 requests, OAS will no longer consider late requests for that student.
  • OAS will not consider any late exam requests received after noon on the business day before the exam.

For example, for a Friday 2 pm exam, contact with OAS must be made no later than noon on Thursday for consideration. If the exam is on a Monday, OAS will not consider the request after noon on Friday.

Asynchronous online exams:

  • For exams that students are permitted to take at a time of their choosing and/or take-home exams, students will not need to register those exams with our office. Instead, it is the instructor’s responsibility to ensure students are set up on Moodle with extended time. During the first few exams, it may be helpful to check in with instructors to ensure they remembered to add your extended time accommodation.

Exams that conflict with another class:

  • Students who have extended time exam accommodations and request to use such accommodation will receive double time on quizzes, tests, and exams.
  • Students cannot be asked or required to miss their next class in order to complete a quiz, test, or exam.
  • When a student has back-to-back classes and has a quiz, test, or exam in the earlier class, the student must notify the instructor of the need to take the quiz, test, or exam at a time other than the assigned course time. The student and instructor must identify a mutually agreeable time for the student to take the assessment and during which the instructor will be available to answer their phone in the event of any questions or concerns.
  • Students who are required to take a quiz, test, or exam at a time other than the rest of the class cannot be given an assessment which is more difficult than the rest of the class.
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