The Performance Evaluation Process Officially Begins in Nine Days

Staff performance evaluations are an important part of employment at Clarkson University. The process is not just about completing a form; it is about managers and employees making the most of an opportunity to engage in high quality discussions about performance, development, and goals.

In nine days, the employee Performance Process officially begins. Please refer to the timelines below to ensure timely completion of all steps in the evaluation process.

Performance Evaluation Timeline

Staff evaluations are to be completed no later than September 30, 2022. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring evaluations are completed for their team members. It is CU’s goal that 100% of staff members receive an annual performance review.  

September 1 – September 22, 2022

Employee will complete and submit their self –evaluation. Self-assessments can be submitted anytime within this timeframe. (PeopleSoft HR 9.2 under Navigator – Self Service – CU Employee Evaluation – Employee Evaluation Form).

September 9, 2022 – September 28, 2022

Supervisor will complete the evaluation and position description review and hold the evaluation meeting with the employee. All reviews with managers must be completed and submitted no later than September 28, 2022.

Note: The Managers timeframe overlaps with the employee’s completion and submission dates due to potential submissions from the employee’s in week one of their self- appraisal period.

September 30, 2022

Managers need to submit all performance appraisals to Human Resources by September 30, 2022. September 30, 2022 is a hard deadline for Human Resources to receive preliminary performance ratings for all staff.

If you have any questions regarding the appraisal process or need further assistance please contact Human Resources at

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