National Novel Writing Month Writing Challenge: Writing for Wellness

Interested in writing for wellness? Read below to learn more about the November Novel Writing Month!

You’ve probably heard all of the benefits to being a writer. Writing can be the perfect addition to your morning routine, a way to debrief your day with a “brain dump”, or the blog you’ve thought about writing since 10th grade. 

But who has the time for that? You actually might. Do you have 5 minutes to write everyday? What about 2 sentences a day?

For the Writing Challenge you will receive a brief writing prompt everyday for the month of November to help you practice this skill. 

You don’t need to be a prolific writer, or even a writer at all, to join in our November writing challenge! We want to see you embrace whatever form and length of creative writing that speaks to you. Writing is a great tool for emotional processing and a great way to unwind. Signing up isn’t meant to add extra commitments, just to provide you with prompts and a community of support. 

Interested in writing for wellness?

  • Fill out this Google form to sign up
  • Read the poster for more information
  • Email Kelsey Guerard ( if you have any questions.

Sponsored by: Student Success Center, Writing Center, School of Arts & Sciences

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