November 2022 – EAP Webcast Seminar

EAP seminars are one hour in length including a Q&A at the close of each session. All webcasts take place on Wednesdays at 2pm EST

November 2, 2022 – Strategies for Caregiving Challenges

  • Caregiving is often a task we figure out as we go. But having information and resources for common challenges can help reduce stress when pressure builds. We’ll review strategies specific to dementia care, long-distance caregiving, and medical concerns. We’ll also discuss end of-life and the importance of maintaining your own balance.

November 16, 2022 – Achieving Success: Using Goals to Get There

  • Will you be as successful as you want to be? In this seminar, you’ll learn how goal-setting can be a tool that gets you where you want to go. Learn how to identify and shape your goals. Get tips for overcoming obstacles. And build an action plan to get started on the path to success.

Registration information, live seminars, and on-demand replays can be accessed directly at our seminar portal:

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