As Clarkson employees, you have access to a free student loan benefit, Savi. Their mission is to get you on track with your student loan payments, assess your eligibility for forgiveness and repayment programs, and make sure you’re prepared for the resumption of payments.
The student loan policy experts, advocates, and borrowers at Savi will keep you up to date on all details related to student loan news (which change almost weekly!). With many recent updates to student loan policy including another payment pause, it is recommended to sign up for Savi’s upcoming free educational (and interactive) webinar designed to help borrowers:
- Learn about student loan policy updates from Savi’s Chief Borrower Advocate Lindsay Clark.
- Get started with the Savi tool
- Review repayment and forgiveness options like Income Driven Repayment Plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness
- Get answers to all of your student debt questions – no matter how big or small!
Wednesday, December 14, 2022 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Want to learn more about Savi in advance? Click here to take the free assessment to see if you can save money on your loans or determine your eligibility for forgiveness programs.